13 Week Total Wellness Series


  • Our Programs:

    • Nutrition Coaching “The Ayurvedic Way”
    • Anxiety Management
    • Mindfulness In Daily Life
    • Auto Immune Disease Management

    We follow a Holistic & Personalized combination of Holistic Therapy, Ayurvedic Nutrition, Self Acceptance, Weekly Alignment & Planning Sessions.

    Weekly healing sessions. Our Coaching System offers one-on-one coaching and support working at the pace of each individuals progress.

    No two people are alike, so why should their wellness programs be?

    Our coaching sessions look like:

    We dive deep into your goals & current habits. We map out a Wellness Plan Personalized just for you!

    Inspired by the principles of Ayurveda, we offer individualized coaching to address self-limiting beliefs using a variety of approaches to help you achieve optimal wellness, including facilitating an awareness of essential values, guided mindfulness  and meditation techniques, lifestyle and nutritional counseling, and when appropriate, herbal formulas and/or supplements, we develop tools and resources unique to your goals, and cultivate a relationship with your experience that fosters a sense of wholeness and peace.

    Everyone is different and has different needs but our plan could look like the following:

    • Tissue Mineral Analysis
    • Personal Dietary Supplements
    • 13 Weekly Session
    • Ionic Foot Detox Sessions
    • Weekly Vibration Therapy
    • Organic Re-Boot Detox Tea
    • Ayurvedic Self Care Tools
    • Series Manual hardcopy/ video series
    • Weekly Life Prep
    • Self Care Offerings
    • Weekly Mindfulness Offerings
    • Personalized Meal  & Supplement Plans

    Our holistic Approach To Wellness:

    Root Cause Treatment

    “Unlike other treatment procedures that jump straight to symptom management, Ayurveda plans to address the root-cause of the disease. It begins by detoxifying the body so that medicines and supplements can work better towards treating the actual root-cause of the disease.”

    Wisdom of Vedas

    “Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of the disease, it effectively reduces the risk of severe health complications arising out of the untreated underlying cause. Patients who complete their Ayurveda treatment have a reduced risk of health complications later.”

    More Than Just Medicines

    “The program is based on 5000-year-old knowledge of the Vedas and Modern Science. From its authenticity, structured approach and personalization play a very important role in complementing the effect of medicines as well as sustaining the benefit of treatment after the medicines have ended.”


Dr. Crystal holds a PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic Science with a speciality in Holistic Healing and uses a variety of techniques to help heal at a spiritual, emotional, cellular, and physical level. Dr. Crystal is also a practitioner of  Ayurvedic Medicine &  Nutrition, Yoga & Meditation, and a Licensed Cosmetology Instructor with a speciality in healing the hair & skin naturally.

Dr Crystal specializes in Movement, Mindfulness & Holistic Beauty. She offers personalized coaching that results in seeing your True Self, your Highest Potential, Living a Happier and Healthier Life according to your true nature – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

At Holistic Wellness Beauty we encourage healing at the cellular level to improve your body’s healing abilities and relationships.

  • Metaphysical Spiritual Counseling
  • Metaphysical Holistic Life Coaching
  • Metaphysical Energy Healing
  • Metaphysical Hypnosis
  • Ayurvedic Nutrition
  • 500 Registered Yoga Teacher
  • Mindfulness Coach
  • Meditation Coach
  • Licensed Cosmetology Instructor

What is Holistic Medicine

Also known as “alternative medicine,” holistic medicine is a form of healing that goes back 5,000 years before modern medicine was established. These treatments focus on more than just the patient’s physical body by emphasizing their mind, emotions, and spirit. The philosophy behind holistic medicine holds that each individual is composed of interdependent parts (body, mind, heart, and energy), all of which need to be in perfect balance to achieve optimal health.

As the “science of life,” the focus of Ayurveda has always been on creating a balanced, vibrant state of healthy mind, body, and spirit: life lived with vitality, expanded awareness and in harmonious relationship with the environment, the laws of nature and the cosmos, and our fellow beings on our beautiful planet.

The state of total health can be achieved through the vast array of preventative and rejuvenative teachings and practices of Ayurveda: lifestyle and dietary recommendations, herbal tonics, detoxification regimens, exercise methods such as yoga postures, meditation and more. Whether for prevention, healing or rejuvenation, all of these are individually tailored for maximum benefit, according to a person’s prakruti or individual constitution.

The 3 Stages of Treatment

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Cleanse (Shodhana)

The first stage of treatment cleanses you by following a holistic herbal ritual. Cleansing of the gut and whole body is done to remove disease causing toxins which could have caused obstruction in the circulatory & metabolic pathways. You can undergo the detoxification process from the comfort of your home. See steps in this stage below:

  • Step 1 –Prakriti (DOSHA) Assessment
  • Step 2 –Pre-session Counseling
  • Step 3 –Detoxification

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Balance (Samatulana)

The second stage marks the beginning of a personalized approach. Our practitioner will prepare a diet chart for you and prescribe Ayurvedic herbs to boost digestion along with Yoga for a thorough augmentation of your physical and mental health. This will be complimented with Yoga to enrich you spiritually. See steps in this stage below:

  • Step 4 –Personalized Herbs And Therapies

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Rejuvenate (Rasayana)

The third stage recalibrates your body and mind with a combination of herbs, diet, and yoga asanas to re-establishing internal health. Our practitioner will prescribe a personalized regimen for you. See steps in this stage below:

  • Step 5 –Personalized Herbs And Therapies
  • Step 6 –Personalized Diet & Lifestyle Suggestions


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