Dr. Crystal

Dr. Crystal Garrett, PhD, CH, RYT500, Breath Work Therapy, Ayurvedic Nutritionist, Cosmetology Education

Dr. Crystal holds a PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic Science with a speciality in Holistic Healing and uses a variety of techniques to help heal at a spiritual, emotional, cellular, and physical level. 

Dr Crystal specializes in Movement & Mindfulness. Bringing together Traditional Remedies, Herbal Knowledge and Spiritual Healing to support the Restoration of the Body into a State of Wholeness.. She offers personalized coaching that results in seeing your True Self, your Highest Potential, Living a Happier and Healthier Life according to your true Nature – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Dr. Crystal encourages healing at the cellular level to improve your body’s healing abilities, allowing your energy to flow freely.

Holistic Wellness & Nutrition

~ Detoxification Specialist
~ Spiritual Counseling
~ Holistic Life Coaching
~ Energy Healing
~ Breath Work Therapy
~ Empathetic Listening
~ Holistic Nutrition
~ 500 Registered Yoga Teacher
~ Mindfulness Coach
~ Meditation Coach
~ Licensed Cosmetology Educator


Tina Hilbert, Mindfulness Coach, Hatha & Kundalini Yoga, iREST Meditation Teacher, & Energy Body Worker

Tina is wholeheartedly committed to the journey of continuous learning, exploration, and personal growth. Her heartfelt intention is to guide and support individuals in recognizing the profound beauty, inner light, and innate capacity for healing that resides within them. There exists a deep reservoir of spiritual composition and intellectual potential within each individual, eagerly waiting to be unlocked.

Let us remember that we are all spiritual beings, temporarily inhabiting human forms and experiencing life’s profound journey. Through embracing this understanding, we open ourselves to a higher realm of consciousness, where our true essence shines brightly. Together, let us embark on a transformative voyage of self-discovery, empowering one another to unleash our fullest potentials.


~ Bikram Yoga-The Original Hot Yoga
~ Kundalini Research Institute 200 RYT
~ Guru Singh’s-Kundalini University 200 RYT
~ Southern Inst. for Yoga Instructors 500 RYT
~ Kashi Urban Ashram of Atlanta, GA. 200 RYT
~ Spirit House Yoga 200 RYT
~ Ghosh Modern Hatha Yoga 200 RYT
~ My Vinyasa Practice 500 RYT
~ Clinical Yoga Therapist C-IAYT
~ Richard Miller’s iRest 1 Teacher Training

Our Mission

Our mission at Gateway to Purpose is to empower individuals to find their true purpose and to awaken healing within. We believe that with the right knowledge, guidance and support, everyone can create a life of joy and fulfillment. Through yoga, meditation, and self-discovery, we strive to help our clients discover their unique gifts and to make conscious decisions that will lead to a more meaningful life. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where people can explore their inner worlds and find their true potential. We invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery and to awaken the healing power within.

Core Values

At Gateway To Purpose, our core values are rooted in our commitment to helping people find their purpose in life. We believe that everyone has a unique path to follow and that it is our responsibility to help guide them along that journey. We strive to provide an environment that is safe, supportive, and encouraging, where people can explore their passions and discover their true potential. Our goal is to foster an environment that is open to growth and exploration, and to empower individuals to take ownership of their lives and create a life they love. We are committed to helping people find their purpose and create a life of meaning and joy.